Gert Hubach 2
Below we have a top auction from Gert Hubach. Gert is a true fancier of our sport and also a collector of pigeons. However, he decided to sell part of his colony due to lack of time due to his busy business.
This auction includes pigeons from Noël Peiren! A unique group of pigeons that have rarely or never been bred. Take your chance!
13 - NL18-1727771 - Domenico Barberio, "Libelle Laureaat"
14 - NL17-1122413 - Van Vliet & Timmer, "Grdtr. Bliksem 781"
15 - BE17-3111073 - Frans Labeeuw, "Black Labeeuw"
16 - NL18-1727782 - Domenico Barberio, "Inbred Jonge Witbuik"
17 - NL18-1727774 - Domenico Barberio, "Double De Narbonne"
18 - NL18-4451134 - First Prize Pigeons, "All NPO Winners"
19 - NL17-1123676 - J.C. van Vliet, "Heremans Meets Koopman"
20 - NL18-1727790 - Domenico Barberio, "Grs. Barcelona Crack"
21 - NL18-1727789 - Domenico Barberio, "Inbred New Witbuik"
22 - NL18-1711052 - J.H. Hak, "Topkoppel 052"
23 - NL18-1711051 - J.H. Hak, "Topkoppel 051"