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7 - NL24-8032763 - Bennie Homma, "Sister 3rd,5th and 13rd Nat"

Offered by TopPigeons

Ring NL24-8032763
Name Bennie Homma, "Sister 3rd,5th and 13rd Nat"
Colour Dark Chequered
Sex Hen
Pedigree Bennie Homma, "Sister 3rd,5th and 13rd Nat"
Lot number 7
Start bid € 150.-
Current bid € 550.- excl. administration / handling fee  
Start date 1/12/2025 6:00:00 PM
End date 1/19/2025 6:00 PM
Remaining time

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NL. 24-8023763



Dark Chequered


Sister 3rd, 5th en 13rde National



Sire: NL. 17-4291779 son "609" x “Orangina”.

Never raced.


Father of i.a.

1stFU2000 Narbonne 1547 b.

2nd FU2000 Narbonne 1547 b.

2nd FU2000 Pau 1489 b.

3rd Nat. Narbonne 5862 b.

5th Nat. Pau 4310 b.

6th Fiante Marseille 378 b.

13rd Nat. Narbonne 5862 b.

17th FU2000 Dax 575 b.

38th Nat. Dax 2120 b.

59st NPO Bergerac 1692 b.

61st FU2000 Pau 1489 b.

62nd NPO Bergerac 2274 b.

Gr. Father of i.a.

1st Int. Perpignan 16033 b.

1st Nat. Perpignan 4633 b.

1st FU2000 Perpignan 1453 b.

1st NPO Bergerac 1519 b.

3rd Int. Perpignan 16033 b.

3rd Nat. Perpignan 4633 b.

3rd FU2000 Perpignan 1453 b.

3rd Nat. Bergerac 2822 b.

7th Int. Barcelona

7th Fiante Narbonne

10th Fiante Narbonne

23rd Fiante Bordeaux

26th Nat. Narbonne



Gr. Sire: NL. 00-4202609 “De 609” October youngster of 2007 has on an old band from 2000 was in 2010 2nd National Ace Pigeon Multi-day long distance.

Flew himself:

1st NPO St. Vincent 873 b.

2nd Nat. St. Vincent 1542 b.

6th NPO Cahors 1486 b.

9th Nat. Cahors 2860 b.

10th NPO Bordeaux 1272 b.

13th Nat. Bordeaux 1970 b.

36th NPO Limoges 2475 b.

52ndNat. Limoges 4402 b.

69th NPO Montauban 1281 b.

103rd NPO Bordeaux 1463 b.

127th Nat. Bordeaux 2342 b.

129th Nat. Montauban 2338 b.


Gr. Father of o.a.
1st Fiante Narbonne

1st Fiante Narbonne

2nd FU2000 Pau

2nd Fiante Pau

2nd Fiante Narbonne

3rd Nat. Narbonne

3rd NPO Perigueux afd.8
3rd NPO Orange afd. 8

4th Int. Perpignan

4th Nat Perpignan

4th Fiante Perpignan

5th Nat. Orange S.3
5th NPO Dax afd.8

5th NPO Orange

6th Nat. Perpignan

6th Fiante Marseille

7th NPO Limoges

10th Nat. Orange

11th Nat. Limoges

12th NPO Orange

13th Nat. Narbonne

16th NPO Bergerac

17th FU2000 Dax

17th NPO Limoges

17th NPO Orange

22nd Nat. Narbonne

26th Nat. Pau

26th Fiante Marseille

27th NPO Bergerac

27th Nat. Bergerac

27th Fiante Perpignan

28th NPO Bergerac

28th NPO Bergerac
30th NPO Orange

30th Fiante Agen

3rd Ace Pigeon Multi-day long distance 2013 Sector 4.



Gr. Dam:  NL. 06-4284130 “Orangina”

Flew herself:
1st Nat. Orange 1821 b.

1st NPO Orange 928 b.

4th NPO Bordeaux 1148 b.

11th Nat. Bordeaux 1914 b.

59th NPO Orange 740 b.

86th NPO Limoges 3340 b.

148th NPO St. Vincent 873 b.

151st Nat. Limoges 5685 b.
249th Int. Orange 4022 b.

263rd Nat. St. Vincent 1542 b.

270th NPO Bordeaux 1272 b.

279th Nat. Limoges 2307 b.

309th NPO Pointiers 2725 b.
433rd Nat. Bordeaux 1970 b.

746th Nat. Pointiers 4934 b.

773rd NPO Limoges 3348 b.
1172nd Nat.
Limoges 5239 b.
10th FFC Montelimar 143 b.


Mother of i.a.

10th ZLU Perpignan dv. 1484 b.
14th NPO Limoges 1153 b.

21st NPO Bergerac 1116 b.
25th Nat. Limoges 2009 b.
29th ZLU Perpignan 5589 b.

32nd NPO Orange 861 b.
41st Nat. Bergerac 2081 b.
42nd Nat. Orange 1596 b.

56th NPO Limoges 1360 b.

61st NPO Perigueux 699 b.

64th NPO St. Vincent 640 b.

67th NPO St. Vincent 640 b.

69th NPO St. Vincent 566 b.

69th NPO Bergerac 1263 b.

78th NPO Aurillac 1754 b.

79th NPO Limoges 1358 b.

81st Nat. Bergerac 1822 b.

94th Nat. St. Vincent 1123 b.

96th Nat. Perigueux 1282 b.

98th Nat. St. Vincent 1123 b.

98th Nat. Limoges 2408 b.

Gr. Mother of i.a.

1st NPO Bergerac

1st FU2000 Narbonne

2nd FU2000 Narbonne

2nd FU2000 Pau

3rd Nat. Bergerac

3rd Nat. Narbonne

4th NPO Ruffec

5th Nat. Pau
5th Nat. Orange S.3
6th Nat. Perpignan
6th NPO Orange

6th Fiante Marseille

7th Nat. Ruffec

9th NPO Bergerac afd.8

10th Fiante Narbonne

13th Nat. Narbonne

14th NPO Perigueux

15th Nat. Orange

16th Nat. Perigueux

17th FU2000 Dax

18th Fiante Pau

23th Fiante Bordeaux

28e Fiante Marseille




Dam: 19-1201499 direct Comb. Steenbeek & Son de Bilt  from “De 754” flew 3rd and 4th Nat. St. Vincent.


Mother of i.a.

1stFU2000 Narbonne 1547 b.

2nd FU2000 Narbonne 1547 b.

2nd FU2000 Pau 1489 d.

3rd Nat. Narbonne  5862 b.

5th Nat. Pau 4310 b.

6th Fiante Marseille 378 b.

13rd Nat. Narbonne 5862 b.

17th FU2000 Dax 575 b.

38th Nat. Dax 2120 b.

38e Fu2000 Perpignan 1489 b.

59th NPO Bergerac 1692 b.

61th FU2000 Pau 1489 b.


Gr. Sire: NL. 18-17-50917 “Bonus” Comb. Verweij- De Haan



Gr. Dam: NL. 10-1427734 “De 734”.

Flew 3rd and 4th Nat. St Vincent..

Sister 1st Nat. Cahors, 2nd NPO Brive, 4th Nat. Orange.

Mother of;

13-315 the 315'. She was pigeon champion of department 7, 4th WHZB and 6th national pigeon champion with the 6th national St. Vincent and two more prizes in the first 100 national. In 2017 she was pigeon champion again. This time from the Long Distance Club Utrecht with, among others, 18th national St. Vincent.

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